The Building Conservation Directory 2022

107 C AT H E D R A L COMMU N I C AT I O N S T H E B U I L D I N G CON S E R VAT I ON D I R E C TO R Y 2 0 2 2 METAL , WOOD & GLASS 3.3 WINDOWS & DOORS continued SPECIALISTS IN CONSERVATION JOINERY Choosing the most appropriate windows and doors is one of the most important decisions you will make for your home, and you can explore our range of engineered timber doors, casement and sash windows in 44 stunning showrooms nationwide. As specialists in conservation joinery, we can give expert advice and you’ll find a comprehensive range of timber windows and doors to browse at your leisure in one of our charming showrooms. T: 0800 030 2000 A MERSHAM B IRMINGHAM (H ARBORNE ) B LANDFORD B OURNEMOUTH C ATERHAM C ARDIFF C ARMARTHEN C HANNEL I SLANDS C HELTENHAM C IRENCESTER C LIFTON C OLCHESTER D ENBIGH D ULWICH E SHER F ORNHAM G UILDFORD H AREWOOD , Y ORKS . H ARTLEY W INTNEY H ENLEY ON T HAMES H EATHFIELD H EREFORD H IGHGATE H ONITON H ORNDEAN H ORSHAM I NGATESTONE K NUTSFORD L EAMINGTON S PA L INCOLN M AIDSTONE M ORETON -I N -M ARSH N OTTINGHAM O LNEY O XFORD R IPLEY S ALISBURY S HEFFIELD S T . A LBANS T AVISTOCK T UNBRIDGE W ELLS W IMBLEDON W INCHESTER W OODBRIDGE The Building Conservation Directory half page 86 x 254.indd 1 14/06/2021 13:21 Blackstopes Farm • Bracken Lane Retford • Notts • DN22 0JP Office: 01777 706363 Site: 07711 718601 Email: