Chartered Institute for Archaeologists 2022

32 Eastward Farm presents a challenge to those of us who are familiar with rural heritage – a site which has been in the same family, either tenanted or owner-occupied, for generations until its sale and then is at risk from alterations which, however well-intentioned, could cause cumulative harm to the site’s historical and archaeological interest. In this case, new owners have applied to upgrade the site into a single holiday unit and are prepared to make a considerable investment in conserving the historic fabric and sympathetically bringing Eastward Farm into the 21st century. So how best to move forward? This is where the skills of a buildings archaeologist are critical in providing an illustrated and written record that identifies the different phases of a site and its significance in a national and local context, and reaching a balanced judgement on how it can be adapted for future use while minimising harm to its legibility and character. National and local planning legislation, policies and guidance protect the historic environment from unjustified levels of harm and seek to conserve sites so that their significance is retained and enhanced. In this case, the CBA decided that the listing of the farmhouse with its attached barns at Grade II – the most common listing grade, which affects 92 per cent of buildings on the statutory list – did not adequately capture its outstanding degree of preservation and interest. In order for a balanced planning judgement to be proportional to Eastward Farm’s historical and archaeological interest the CBA applied to Historic England for the site’s designation to be reassessed. Historic England has since carried out a full inspection and the Secretary of State has decided to amend Eastward Farm’s designation to Grade II*. This will ensure that works to upgrade the site will be proportionate to its outstanding historical and archaeological interest. The CBA’s hope is that a Level 4 Building Recording of the site (see Understanding Historic Buildings: A Guide to Good Recording Practice , Historic England, 2009) will inform a revised scheme that retains more of the extant fabric and character as a proportionate response to Eastward Farm’s significance and potential for sensitive adaptation Interior view ©