Horchester Farm, Holywell, Dorchester, Dorset DT2 0LL
Founded in 1989, Rose of Jericho manufacture a range of paints and fine lime mortars, plasters and renders for use in the repair and conservation of historic and traditional buildings. Its paints include soft, casein and oil bound distempers, eggshells, flat oil, permeable emulsions, and pure, tallow and casein limewashes and sheltercoats.
The company enjoys an international reputation for materials analysis and consultancy, and holds an extensive library of sands, aggregates and historic mortar samples.
Rose of Jericho stock St Astier NHLs, various pozzolans, a wide range of sands, aggregates and stone dusts, riven laths and artist quality powdered pigments.
Technical and H&S data, together with guidance for the use of all products can be found on the company website.

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