3 back to top AB back to top
- Access audits and advice
- Access for survey and maintenance
- Accreditation in conservation
- Acoustics and sound insulation
- Advisory bodies & associations
- Aerial access - see Survey/maintenance access
- Aerial survey and photography
- Aggregates
- Air lime (non-hydraulic)
- Alternative energy technology; products
- Analysis of materials
- Antique & decorative light fittings & accessories
- Antique & furniture restoration and conservation
- Antique mirror conservation
- Archaeological organisations
- Archaeology
- Archaeology courses
- Architects
- Architectural historians
- Architectural ironmongery
- Architectural joinery
- Architectural photography
- Architectural salvage
- Architectural technicians
- Architectural terracotta conservation
- Architectural terracotta: suppliers
- Architraves - see Timber mouldings
- Associations & advisory bodies
- Audio visual installations
- Awards
C back to top
- Balustrades & staircases
- Banisters
- Bat protection - see Ecologists (flora/fauna protection)
- Battens, laths & tile pegs
- Bird control
- Blacksmiths
- Blinds & solar protection
- Brass work
- Brick pavers
- Brick services
- Brick suppliers
- Bronze restoration
- Builders
- Builders merchants, specialist suppliers
- Building conservation advisory bodies
- Building conservation courses
- Building conservation technologists
- Building contractors & consultants
- Building control services
- Building recording
- Building services consulting engineers
- Building services engineers
- Building surveyors
- Burglary prevention
D back to top
- Cabinet makers
- Carpet beetle (Insect eradication)
- Carpet makers and conservators
- Carving, stone
- Carving, wood
- Casements - see Timber windows
- Cast (reconstructed) stone
- Cast iron
- Cast lead
- CDM, health and safety
- Ceramics conservators
- Chalk (building stone)
- Chandeliers - see Light fittings & accessories: decorative
- Chemical cleaning, masonry
- Cherry pickers - see Survey/maintenance access
- Chimney linings
- Chimney pots
- Church repair contractors
- Clay roof features
- Clay roof tiles
- Clockmakers
- Clocks
- Clothes moth (Insect eradication)
- Clunch (chalk)
- Cob and earth materials
- Cob and earth repairs
- Cobblestones and setts
- Common furniture beetle eradication
- Concrete repairs
- Conservation accreditation
- Conservation planning and policy consultants
- Conservatories and glasshouses
- Conservatory furniture
- Contract management
- Courses: archaeology
- Courses: building conservation
- Courses: craft training
- Courses: garden conservation
- Courses: miscellaneous
- Courses: postgraduate
- Courses: short
- Courses: undergrad
- Craft training
- Crown glass - see Window glass
E back to top
- Damp & decay treatment (non-destructive)
- Damp and decay treatment products
- Damp monitoring
- De-salination of masonry
- Death watch beetle (Insect eradication)
- Deconstruction
- Decorative finishes
- Decorators
- Decorators: marbling and graining
- Dendrochronology
- Disabled access consultants/audits
- Display lighting, fittings & accessories
- Door & window furniture
- Door furniture: locksmiths
- Doors (timber)
- Drainage: excavations and French drains
- Drainage: pipes and gutters
- Draught stripping
- Drone/aerial surveys
- Dry rot and wet rot treament
- Dry stone walling
F back to top
- Earth & cob repairs
- Earth materials
- Ecclesiastical organisations
- Ecclesiastical work contractors
- Ecological building materials
- Ecological impact assessments
- Ecologists (flora/fauna protection)
- Electrical engineers
- Electrical products
- Energy and retrofit consultants
- Energy use
- Engineers, building services consultants
- Engineers, building services contractors
- Engineers, electrical
- Engineers, heating
- Engineers, mechanical
- Engineers, structural
- Environmental consultants (ecosystems)
- Environmental control (buildings)
- Environmental monitoring
- Environmental organisation
- Epoxy resin repairs
- Equipment: mortar mixers and pointing tools
- Etched glass
- Ethics/principles of conservation
- Excavations and French drains
- Exhibitions & events
- Exhumation of human remains
- Exterior mouldings
G back to top
- Faience & terracotta manufacturers
- Fanlights - see metal windows
- Fencing, timber
- Fibrous plasterwork
- Financial services
- Financial, fund raising
- Financial, VAT advice
- Fine art conservation
- Fine joinery
- Fire protection systems
- Fire resistant coatings & barriers (suppliers)
- Fire safety consultants
- Fire surrounds
- Fireplaces
- Fixings: masonry ties & anchors
- Fixings: roof ties & plates
- Fixings: stainless steel
- Fixings: traditional nails
- Flagstone paving
- Flint suppliers
- Flint work
- Flitch plates and roof ties
- Floor & wall tiles
- Floorboards
- Flue liners
- Foundries, iron
- French drains and excavation
- French polishers
- Frosted glass
- Fund raising services
- Furniture & antique restoration and conservation
H back to top
- Garden buildings
- Garden design and restoration services
- Garden furniture
- Garden ornaments
- Garden statuary
- Gardens: conservation courses
- Gardens: hydrology
- Gardens: restoration
- Gates and railings
- Gazebos
- Geological consultants
- Geophysical surveys
- Gilders
- Gilding materials
- Glass protection (incl. window grilles)
- Glass, frosted, etched
- Glass, plain, crown & sheet
- Glass, stained/decorative
- Glass: structural
- Glasshouses, domestic
- Goldsmiths & silversmiths
- Government and public bodies
- Graffiti cleaning & removal
- Graining and marbling
- Granite & marble suppliers
- Grant sources
- Green building materials
- Grilles, security/window protection
- Grilles, wirework
- Groundwork: excavations and French drains
- Groundwork: landscaping
- Gutters and rainwater pipes
I back to top
- Habitat surveys - see Ecologists (flora/fauna protection)
- Hair and fibre reinforcement
- Harling, render & stucco
- Health & safety consultants
- Heating engineers
- Heritage consultants: materials conservation
- Heritage consultants: planning, policy and practice advice
- Historic environment records (HERs)
- Historical research
- Horticultural consultants
- Hydraulic lime
- Hydrology
- Hygrothermal monitoring
J back to top K back to top L back to top
- Impact assesments, environmental
- Infrared thermal imaging
- Insect and pest eradication
- Insulation
- Insurance
- Interior designers & consultants
- Interior joinery
- Interiors conservators & decorators
- International organisations
- Intumescent coatings (suppliers)
- Ironmongery
- Ironwork, cast
- Ironwork, wrought
M back to top
- Landscape architects
- Landscape conservation courses
- Landscape conservation organisations
- Landscaping contractors
- Lantern lights & roof lights
- Laser cleaning (sculpture/masonry)
- Laser scanning and replication
- Laths, battens & tile pegs
- Lead sheet roofing supplies
- Leaded lights
- Leadwork, decorative
- Leadwork: metal sheet roofing contractors
- Legal services
- Letter carving, stone
- Light fittings & accessories: decorative
- Light fittings & accessories: display lighting
- Lighting consultants
- Lightning protection
- Lime mortar mixers and pointing tools
- Lime mortars & renders
- Lime plasterwork
- Lime pointing
- Lime wash
- Lime, hydraulic
- Lime, non-hydraulic (lime putty)
- Lime: hair & fibre reinforcements
- Lime: pozzolanic additives
- Limecrete floors
- Locksmiths
N back to top
- Marble & granite suppliers
- Marbling and graining
- Marbling and other paint effects
- Masonry and stone sculpture consultants
- Masonry cleaning products and materials
- Masonry cleaning, air/water abrasive
- Masonry cleaning, chemical
- Masonry cleaning, general
- Masonry cleaning, laser
- Masonry cleaning, poulticing
- Masonry cleaning, steam
- Masonry cleaning, water (low pressure/nebulous spray)
- Masonry reinforcement & anchoring
- Masonry services (stone masons)
- Masonry: stone suppliers
- Masons' tools & mortar mixers
- Materials analysis
- Materials conservation and investigation
- Materials: general suppliers
- Mathematical tiles
- Measured surveys
- Mechanical and electrical engineering consultants
- Mechanical engineering
- Memorials, bronze
- Memorials, stone
- Memorials, war
- Metal sculpture
- Metal sheet roofing contractors
- Metal sheet roofing supplies
- Metal windows & fanlights
- Metalwork and metal sculpture consultants
- Metalwork, brass
- Metalwork, bronze
- Metalwork, cast iron
- Metalwork, pattern making
- Metalwork, wrought iron
- Metalwork: decorative leadwork
- Metalwork: gates and railings
- Metalwork: gold & silversmiths
- Millwrights
- Mirror conservation and repair
- Miscellaneous courses
- Mortar mixers and pointing tools
- Mortar, hydraulic
- Mortar, non-hydraulic lime
- Mortar: hair & fibre reinforcements
- Mortar: pozzolanic additives
- Mortars & render mixes
- Mortgages and loans
- Mosaics
- Mould making
- Mouldings, exterior (eg GRC)
- Mouldings, fibrous plaster
- Mouldings, timber
- Museums
O back to top
- Nails, traditional
- National bodies: England
- National bodies: Northern Ireland
- National bodies: Republic of Ireland
- National bodies: Scotland
- National bodies: Wales
- Non-destructive investigations
- Non-hydraulic lime
- Nuts and bolts, stainless steel
P back to top
- Oak beams
- Oak shingles (shakes)
- Organ builders
- Organisations in Ireland
- Organisations, archaeological
- Organisations, building conservation
- Organisations, conservation accreditation
- Organisations, ecclesiastical
- Organisations, environmental
- Organisations, HERs
- Organisations, international
- Organisations, landscape
- Organisations, professional/trade
- Organisations, research institutes
- Organisations, training standards
- Organisations: all
- Organisations: government bodies
- Organisations: sustainability
Q back to top R back to top
- Paint analysis
- Paint effects
- Paint effects (eg wood graining)
- Paint removal products & poultices
- Paint removal, air/water abrasive
- Paint removal, poulticing
- Paint removal, steam cleaning
- Painting and decorating
- Paintings - see Fine art conservation
- Paints & decorative finishes
- Panelling
- Papier-mâché
- Papier-mâché
- Patio furniture
- Pattern making
- Paving stone: flagstones
- Paving suppliers, brick
- Paving: cobblestones & setts
- Photogrammetry
- Photographic services
- Photography: aerial/drone surveys
- Photography: general/architectural
- Photography: measured (photogrammetry)
- Pigments
- Places of worship
- Planning and policy consultants
- Planning consultants
- Plaster, exterior - see Render, harling & stucco
- Plasterers, fibrous
- Plasterers, lime
- Plasterwork: hair & fibre reinforcement
- Plasterwork: laths
- Plasterwork: mould making
- Plasterwork: scagliola
- Pointing irons & mortar mixers
- Pointing with lime
- Porches - see relevant crafts, eg metalwork, timberframing, wirework etc
- Postgraduate courses
- Poultices and poulticing for salt
- Poultices for paint removal
- Poulticing (contaminant/paint removal)
- Pozzolanic additives
- Principles/ethics of conservation
- Professional/trade associations
- Project management
- Publishers
S back to top
- Radiators & stoves
- Radiocarbon dating
- Railings and gates
- Rainwater pipes and gutters
- Reclaimed materials
- Reconstructed stone
- Record making
- Relocation of structures
- Render, roughcast & stucco
- Renewable energy products (PV etc)
- Research organisations and institutes
- Resin repairs
- Retrofit and energy consultants
- Robotic sculpting
- Roof drainage (gutters, hoppers etc)
- Roof features (clay)
- Roof lights & lantern lights
- Roof ties and plates
- Roof tiles, clay
- Roofing contractors
- Roofing slates (metamorphic)
- Roofing slates, stone
- Rope access - see Survey/maintenance access
- Roughcast, render & stucco
- Rural and urban regeneration
T back to top
- Salt removal
- Salvaged products and materials
- Sashes - see Timber windows
- Scaffolding
- Scagliola
- Screws, stainless steel
- Sculptors and stone carvers
- Sculpture: metal
- Sculpture: stone
- Secondary glazing
- Security grilles and window protection
- Security products
- Security services
- Services engineers
- Shakes, oak
- Shingles (shakes), oak
- Short courses
- Signage
- Silversmiths & goldsmiths
- Skirtings - see Timber mouldings
- Slates, metamorphic ('natural' slate)
- Slates, sedimentary ('stone slates')
- Solar panels and PV roof tiles
- Solar protection
- Sound insulation
- Stained glass
- Stainless steel fixings
- Staircase banisters
- Staircases & balustrades
- Statuary & stone carving
- Steam cleaning
- Steel windows
- Steeplejacks
- Stone and masonry sculpture consultants
- Stone carving & statuary
- Stone cleaning
- Stone cleaning, air/water abrasive
- Stone cleaning, chemical
- Stone cleaning, laser
- Stone cleaning, poulticing
- Stone cleaning, steam
- Stone cleaning, water (low pressure/nebulous)
- Stone cleaning: products & materials
- Stone consolidants
- Stone identification & sourcing
- Stone masons
- Stone roofing slates
- Stone suppliers: banker masons, quarries & importers
- Stone suppliers: chalk & clunch
- Stone suppliers: flint
- Stone suppliers: marble and granite
- Stone suppliers: natural slate (metamorphic)
- Stone suppliers: stone slates
- Stone, letter carving
- Stone: flint work
- Stone: paving slabs
- Stone:cobblestones & setts
- Stoves & radiators
- Stoves and kitchen ranges
- Street furniture
- Structural engineers
- Structural glass
- Structural metal fixings for timber
- Structural repair and stabilisation
- Structural timber repairs
- Structural timber surveys
- Structural timber testing
- Structure relocation
- Stucco and render
- Summerhouses
- Sun blinds
- Sundials
- Supplies, general/specialist
- Survey, aerial/drone photography
- Survey/maintenance access
- Surveyors, building
- Surveyors, quantity
- Surveys, aerial/drone photography
- Surveys, geophysical
- Surveys, maintenance access
- Surveys, measured
- Surveys, structural timber
- Surveys: environmental monitoring
- Surveys: non-destructive investigations
- Sustainability organisations
- Sustainability: energy use
- Sustainability: renewable energy products
- Sustainable building materials
- Sustainable design consultants
U back to top
- Technicians, architectural
- Terracotta masonry services
- Terracotta, suppliers of
- Textile conservators
- Thatch
- Thatchers
- Thermal imaging
- Thermography
- Tile pegs, laths & battens
- Tiles, floor & wall
- Tiles, mathematical
- Tiles, roof
- Tiles: ceramics conservators
- Tiles: mosaics
- Timber & parquet flooring
- Timber dating
- Timber decay, damp treatment
- Timber decay, insect eradication
- Timber decay, treatment products
- Timber doors
- Timber frame builders
- Timber mouldings
- Timber panelling conservation
- Timber repairs
- Timber suppliers
- Timber testing, structural
- Timber windows
- Timber-frame surveys
- Tools: pointing tools and mortar mixers
- Town planners
- Trade associations & professional bodies
- Training and courses
- Training standards organisation
- Tree-ring dating
V back to top W back to top
- UAS/aerial surveys
- Ultraviolet protection
- Undergraduate courses
- Urban and rural regeneration
- Urban designers
- Wall painting conservators
- Wall ties and anchor systems
- Wallpaper conservators
- War memorials
- Water management
- Wattle & daub
- Weathervanes
- Wet rot and dry rot treatment
- Window & door fittings
- Window films & solar protection
- Window glass
- Window grilles - see Glass protection (incl. window grilles)
- Windows, metal (all)
- Windows, steel
- Windows, timber
- Windows: leaded lights
- Wireless control systems
- Wirework
- Wood carvers & turners
- Wood graining and marbling
- Wood, timber suppliers
- Woodworm (Insect eradication)
- Wrought ironwork
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