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T H E B U I L D I N G C O N S E R VAT I O N D I R E C T O R Y 2 0 1 6




in their solid form, but ice is lighter (and so

floats). At less than a nanometer in diameter,

water molecules are tiny: smaller and lighter

than the air molecules they displace (oxygen,

nitrogen, argon and carbon dioxide), and with

so little mass that gravity has no effect


: humid

air is therefore buoyant and rises. At room

temperature, most other small molecules are

gases, but water is liquid because its boiling

point is very high.

The underlying reason for many of water’s

special characteristics is the structure of

the molecule. Water is a ‘polar’ molecule:

its electron cloud is not evenly distributed;

instead the two hydrogen atoms are twinned

together and form a positive charge, whereas

the single oxygen atom is negatively charged.

As a result it reacts strongly with electrical

fields, as well as with many surfaces and

with other charged particles. This includes

other water molecules, so the liquid has an

unusually high surface tension, and forms a

very strong ‘meniscus’ (the surface separating

the liquid from the air). For the same reason,

liquid water flows, is an excellent solvent, and

it transmits an electrical current with ease.



The common terms describing humidity

all refer to water molecules in free air. The

‘absolute humidity’ (AH) is the actual number

of molecules (by weight per area or volume).

‘Vapour pressure’ (Vp) is most easily envisaged

by imagining the air inside a box. The

molecules will be bouncing around at speeds

that depend primarily on the air temperature

(which gives them their energy), and the Vp is

the pressure the molecules exert on the walls

of the box as they hit; more collisions means a

higher Vp. Vp can therefore be increased in two

ways: by adding more molecules to the box, or

by increasing the temperature.

Each time the molecules collide with each

other, it is likely they will lose some of their

energy, and eventually they will no longer have

enough momentum to break away again (that

is, they will ‘condense’). Eventually droplets

of water form (mist; then – when the droplets

are massive enough for gravity to take effect

– dew, and eventually rain). Molecules will

also lose energy when they collide with a

surface; and the colder the surface, the more

energy they will lose, making condensation

increasingly likely. A condensed molecule can

break away again – ‘evaporate’ – if it gains

energy (heat, perhaps, or momentum from

being hit by another molecule), and in practice

condensation and evaporation are happening


The number of molecules that air can

hold depends on its temperature and AH (that

is, on the number of collisions occurring).

At some point the number of molecules

condensing will be balanced by the number

evaporating, and so the air will be holding

as much water as it can (‘saturation’). Air

will not generally be saturated unless it is

in a closed space together with a source of

water molecules, so the humidity of the air

is commonly expressed as ‘relative humidity’

(RH), which is the percentage of saturation

(the amount of water molecules actually in

the air, compared to the amount it could

potentially hold at that temperature). Air

at 80 per cent relative humidity will be

holding many more water molecules if the

temperature is 25 degrees than if it is 15

degrees. To increase the RH, either the AH

must be increased, or the temperature must be

decreased, or both.


Water vapour is often the principal topic raised

by building physicists, but when it comes to

understanding deterioration, liquid water is

of infinitely greater importance. It is affected

by gravity, so water from a leaking gutter will

quickly find a path through the pores of the

materials and flow down to collect at the base

of the wall; this is a common cause of so-called

‘rising damp’. In pores, however, gravity is only

one of the possible forces driving movement.

The air inside all three sealed bottles is saturated (as

shown by the condensation) and this is independent

of the water level. There are more than a ‘vigintillion’



) water molecules in a single drop of water, so the

reservoir needed to reach saturation is tiny.

All the familiar water-driven deterioration (salt cycling, timber decay, corrosion) requires liquid water; even where

water vapour is involved, the problems arise when it condenses.